Equipping and encouraging kids to follow Jesus and find their place in God’s family.

We gather on Sundays at 9:00 am and 10:45 am in the Harvest Kids Building.

The primary gathering for Harvest Kids is Sunday morning, where younger children actively learn how to follow Jesus and find their place in God’s family in a safe and fun setting. Each week, Children participate in corporate worship, sit under sound biblical teaching and learn foundational Bible literacy skills. Each child is cared for by trustworthy volunteers who embody the long-term vision of Harvest Kids. 

As an extension of Harvest Kids, The Kids Bridge equips older children to follow Jesus and find their place in God’s family as they transition from childhood to adolescence. Each week, this group gathers on Sunday morning during the 9am service only.

4th - 6th grade:

The Discipleship Pathway

At Harvest, we want to help one another move from an initial encounter with Jesus to a mature and fruitful faith. To do this, we walk together along the following pathway of discipleship:


Encountering God’s presence in the church and learning to love and be loved by God’s family.


Becoming more like Jesus and relating to God with increasing depth and intimacy.


Using the gifts and resources that God has given to make eternal investments.


Taking steps of faith to reach the lost and impact the world for Christ.